Collie staff are also raising money to help with awareness of and funds for men’s health by participating in Movember. Click here to find out more and see their efforts so far!
Collie staff are eagerly competing in the Movember challenge to help raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer and depression in men. Movember is now in its sixth year and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) and beyondblue: the national depression initiative. Check out further details at: http://au.movemberfoundation.com/research-and-programs.

Collie participants this year from left to right, are the four Js (and not the four amigos): John, Jay, Julian and James. If you wish to make your vote on the best mo and make a donation to the Movember foundation, it can be done by clicking on the links below and donating online using your credit card or pay pal account, or alternatively write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing their registration number (last six digits in the below links) and mailing it to: Movember Foundation, PO Box 292, PRAHRAN VICTORIA 3181. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. We are looking forward to seeing the final ‘mos’ at the end of the month!
John http://au.movember.com/mospace/475777
Jay http://au.movember.com/mospace/441958
Julian http://au.movember.com/mospace/453459
James http://au.movember.com/mospace/386114