Sorell Township, in the picturesque area outside Hobart Tasmania at the intersection of the key Tasman and Arthur Highways, has been masterplanned recently by Collieā¦
Sorell Council recognized its key Township of Sorrell was experiencing significant growth that was affecting existing operational systems. Future growth required some important decisions about the Township structure and a comprehensive master plan was seen as critical. Collie was appointed by the Council to complete the Sorell Township Urban Master Plan.
The final Master Plan was presented in October 2009 covering primary, secondary, and tertiary catchments that, in part, extended to influence areas beyond the Municipal boundary.

Background studies included population and activity centre needs assessments, a community visioning exercise and the preparation of ideas, options, and strategies for a group of key planning and development elements:
- residential strategy;
- industrial strategy;
- commercial strategy;
- community facilities strategy;
- transport and movement strategy.

The Master Plan itself was a combination of the above developed and then co-ordinated strategies and each key element (plus the addition of new broad – reaching elements of overall structure of the Township and urban design) was expressed in terms of:
- strategic directions;
- key issues;
- principles;
- physical elements.
The Sorell Township Urban Master Plan document included an implementation framework with objectives and principles – again relating to each of the key elements.