The Department of Planning and Community Development recently approved a development plan for the former Kodak Australasia site in Coburg.

On 21 July 2010 the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) endorsed a Development Plan for 173-199 Elizabeth Street, Coburg (the site). The approval of the development plan is a significant milestone in the redevelopment of the site and follows a process of planning and negotiation with DPCD, Moreland City Council, local residents and other interested parties.
The site was previously owned by Kodak and was occupied and operated as the former factory and headquaters for Kodak Australasia’s operations until 2006. At just over 20 hectares the site offers a rare and exciting opportunity for comprehensive ‘brownfield’ redevelopment in a location that has good proximity to shopping areas, parkland and other amenities.
Collie has worked closely with the owners and developers of the site, Urbex Pty Ltd, to help plan the site. In particular, Collie has:
- obtained a planning permit to subdivide the land, thereby enabling part of the original site to be on-sold to a third party and retained for employment uses;
- prepared a ‘Guiding Principles Document’ to help define and steer the process for rezoning and redeveloping the land and to provide certainty to Urbex and to Council about the associated planning process;
- prepared planning scheme amendment documents to facilitate the rezoning of the land and vary and add relevant planning scheme overlays;
- drafted the main text of the development plan document and negotiated its content with officers from Council and from DPCD;
- co-ordinated the preparation of a large number of technical reports, which support and inform the development plan;
- negotiated the final content and details of the development plan enabling it to be formally approved and endorsed.
The approved development plan provides the planning framework for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site. The plan provides for the following details and elements:
- at least 380 new dwellings including affordable and accessible houses;
- a new ‘neighbourhood hub’ which will provide community and retail opportunities to support and complement existing shops on Elizabeth Street.
- a carefully designed street network which provides multiple connections to the surrounding area and which recognises and reflects the wider street pattern;
- new public open space areas and improved public access to Edgars Creek;
- high quality environmentally sustainable design features including rainwater tanks and other water sensitive urban design details, passive solar design and high
- quality cycle and pedestrian networks.
Special attention has also been given to ensuring that the land is developed efficiently and sustainably while also ensuring that it ‘fits in’ with the character of the existing neighbourhood. Development plan provisions relating to dwelling yield and to building height and design will help ensure that this is the case.
The development plan also provides for interpretive plaques and other features to be incorporated into the development of the site as recognition of its historical use.
Collie is continuing to work closely with Urbex on this project. We are currently helping to negotiate a Section 173 agreement with Council and anticipate lodging a planning permit application for the subdivision of ‘stage 1’ of the development shortly.
For more details about this project, please contact John Roney or Aran Barker.