In 2008 Collie produced a set of design guidelines for safer licensed premises in the Melbourne inner city, on behalf of the Department of Justice Victoria and subsequent to this Collie has been approached (late 2010) by the Department of Justice Northern Territory to draft amenity guidelines for licensed premises in the Northern Territory.

The brief to Collie for developing the amenity guidelines outlined that the NT Government had identified a number of bars whose décor, furnishings and operations encourage the irresponsible consumption of alcohol and associated alcohol-fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour. The Department of Justice NT sought amenity guidelines which would be aimed at reducing the problems and the impacts these have on the licensed premises, its staff, patrons and the surrounding environment and residents.

The guidelines are presently at interval draft stage, with a set of 13 objectives, each with actions to achieve the overall aim of fostering at least minimum standards of operation for licensed premises in the Northern Territory. These objectives and actions are focused around the management structure, techniques and strategies, the operations and staff at licensed premises. They also encourage increased communication with involved parties including local authorities and operators of other licensed premises. A further area of focus for the guidelines is the physical environment including the design and layout of licensed premises and the need for appropriate methods of surveillance both inside and outside the premises.

For further information contact Laura O’Higgins (lao@colliepl.com.au).