The Environmentally Sustainable Office Buildings (ESOB) Policy (Clause 22.19 of the Melbourne Planning Scheme) is intended to ensure that all new office developments in the City of Melbourne incorporate measures to reduce their impact on the environment. The policy requires a 4 Star Green Star Certified Rating for office developments with a gross floor area of more than 5,000 square metres. In achieving this 4 Star Green Star Rating the ESOB policy also specifies minimum energy rating and maximum water consumption requirements which must be achieved.
Following on from this policy, 1 November 2011 marks the end of the 12-month transitional mandatory disclosure period of energy efficiency ratings for office spaces in Melbourne’s CBD. Under this mandatory disclosure program, a building energy efficiency certificate (BEEC) will be needed if more than 2,000 square metres of office space is sold, leased or sub-let. Failure to comply with these ‘green building’ regulations may result in fines up to $110,000 for the first day of non-compliance and up to $11,000 for each extra day.
A BEEC includes:
- a National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) energy star rating for the building.
- an assessment of the tenancy lighting in the area that is being leased or sold.
- general energy efficiency guidance.
The NABERS Energy star rating must be included in any advertisement for the sale, lease or sublease of the office space. This will give buyers and tenants access to meaningful information about the buildings performance therefore, making it easier for companies to buy or rent more efficient office space. It is hoped this program will also create a market-based incentive for owners to improve properties with cost-effective energy efficient upgrades.
Governments will consider expanding the CBD program to other building types from next year.
For further information about the NABERS, refer to the following website www.abgr.com.au
Enquiries Laura O’Higgins on 9686 9300 (lao@colliepl.com.au)

The western façade of CH2 features a system of recycled timber shutters that protect the building from the late afternoon sun while enabling views out of the building and natural light to enter the building.