Last week the Minister for Planning formally approved an amendment to the Coburg Hill Development Plan. The amendment increases the maximum allowable floorspace for shops located within the Coburg Hill ‘neighbourhood hub’ from 2,000 square metres to 4,500 square metres.
The amendment will enable a ‘full-line’ supermarket to be developed on the site (in addition to supporting specialty shops) thereby benefiting the community by providing additional jobs, improving shopping opportunities, reducing the need to travel (to more distant shopping destinations) and by adding to the general vitality of the area.
Indicative images of the future neighbourhood hub are provided below.
Coburg Hill is the site of the former Kodak Australasia factory and headquarters in Coburg North. Collie was involved in the initial rezoning of the land and is now working closely with the owner, Satterley Property Group, to subdivide and develop the 20 hectares site.
Enquiries to Aran Barker (awb@colliepl.com.au)