Regular readers of the Collie latest news will know that Collie has been closely involved in the rezoning, master planning and redevelopment of ‘Coburg Hill’ (the former Kodak Australasia site) which is located in Coburg North approximately nine kilometres north of Melbourne’s CBD.
A key feature of Coburg Hill is its relationship with Edgars Creek, which forms the western edge of the site. The Creek provides an attractive setting as well as walking and other recreation opportunities which are major attributes and selling points for Coburg Hill. With benefits however, come responsibilities. The Creek is a sensitive natural environment which has meant that as well as considering interface issues and access opportunities, extra care and attention has been required in relation to the planning and management of stormwater runoff from Coburg Hill. To this end, Collie has worked closely with Satterley Property Group (the developers of Coburg Hill) to positively engage with Moreland Council, Melbourne Water, Friends of Edgars Creek and others to ensure that appropriate, high quality water sensitive urban design outcomes are achieved.
Because of the careful attention that has been given to these issues, it is pleasing to see that Coburg Hill was recently added as a featured case study on the ‘Clearwater’ website. The case study focuses on the practical application of Clause 56.07 (‘Intergrated Water Management’) and highlights a number of the specific water sensitive urban design features that have been included as part of the Coburg Hill development including nodal raingardens, end-of-line raingardens, the mandated use of domestic rainwater tanks and the exclusive use of drought resistant native plans within the landscaping.
A link to the full case study is provided below. For further information about the water sensitive urban design features at Coburg Hill, or any other aspect of the Coburg Hill development, please contact Aran Barker awb@colliepl.com.au