Collie has provided town planning services to Coogee Energy in relation to its site in Laverton North located at 171 Fitzgerald Road.
The site, which has an area of approximately 8 hectares is located on Industrial 2 zoned land and operates as a commercial methanol plant. Collie has provided advice to Coogee Energy regarding a proposed titanium manufacturing plant on part of the site.
Coogee Energy has developed a direct powder titanium manufacturing process in partnership with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) at its Clayton laboratories. With the process now being scaled up to pilot plant level, Coogee Energy engaged Collie to prepare a planning permit application to allow for the construction of a powder titanium manufacturing plant on the site.
The proposed building will comprise 770 square metres of plant area and 440 square metres of ancillary administration space located on two levels. It is intended that the plant will operate 24 hours, seven days a week and will produce 12 to 15 tonnes of titanium powder per annum.
Coogee Energy envisages that the titanium powder produced from the plant will be used as a material in the construction of:
- lightweight components in cars, such as springs or exhausts;
- hip and knee replacements parts;
- steam turbines in power plants, nuclear plants and petrochemical plants.
Collie is pleased to advise that a planning permit has now been issued and we hope that with the success of the pilot plant a full scale plant will soon be planned.