Fees for the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) are to increase over the next month, with some increases to take effect from 1 June 2013 and some from 1 July 2013.

The most significant changes to the VCAT fee structure include the introduction of fees for second and subsequent days of a hearing and also the introduction of higher fees for cases on the Major List and those considered to be complex in nature and requiring a second member.

It is interesting to note that hearing day fees applying to second and subsequent days in many cases, will be apportioned to those ‘commencing’ cases at VCAT unless a permit applicant / holder is involved, where the permit applicant / holder will pay the fee irrespective of the involvement of objectors / other parties.

For further information, follow this link http://www.vcat.vic.gov.au/news/vcat-fees-effective-1-june-2013