Collie has assisted Satterley Property Group to obtain a planning permit for the use of an ‘end-of-line’ sediment pond and raingarden at Coburg Hill. The approved facility will retain and treat stormwater from Coburg Hill before discharging it, at a controlled velocity, into Edgars Creek.
Key features of the facility include a 190 square metres sediment pond, a 285 square metres raingarden, small dissipation ponds, a rock outlet and connecting pipework and other related intrastructure. The facility also incorporates a cantilevered timber boardwalk, rock-filled gabion walls, interpretive signage and submerged and surrounding native vegetation to help ensure that it has aesthetic and educational values as well as its engineering value.
Collie worked closely with Melbourne Water, the Friends of Edgars Creek and the Merri Creek Management Committee as well as with Council officers and Satterley Property Group to obtain the permit.
Enquiries to Aran Barker (awb@colliepl.com.au)