Amendment C201 to the Casey Planning Scheme was gazetted on 27 November 2014. The amendment inserts a new incorporated document “Casey Cultural Precinct Incorporated Plan, August 2014” in the Schedule to Clause 52.03 and the Schedule to Clause 81.01 of the Scheme. The amendment will allow land identified in the incorporated document to be used and developed for the purposes of the Casey Cultural Precinct.

The Casey Cultural Precinct is an exciting and ambitious project to develop a unique cultural, community and civic facility for residents in the Melbourne outer eastern and south eastern suburbs. The project includes:
- an 800 seat performing arts centre;
- a regional visual art gallery;
- a flexible studio space;
- a community library and meeting rooms;
- a 350 seat function space;
- a cafe;
- City of Casey Council offices and chamber;
- 5,000 square metres of public open space, including a new community plaza;
- basement and at grade car parking.

The project is expected to deliver many benefits to the local, regional and Victorian economies including in terms of jobs (both construction and permanent) and financial benefits. Socially the project will provide a range of new and significantly improved community facilities and will increase community pride and social inclusion. Once completed, the precinct is expected to attract more than 2 million visitors per year.
The planning scheme amendment will simplify the approval process and will improve certainty in relation to the delivery of the exciting project.

Collie was pleased to have assisted the Council with the amendment preparation and process. We congratulate the City of Casey Council on this significant achievement and look forward to visiting when it opens.
Enquiries to Aran Barker on 03 8698 9300 or awb@colliepl.com.au