The State Government has established a taskforce to oversee the transformation of the Frankston Transit Interchange. The Frankston Station Precinct Taskforce (the Taskforce) includes the Mayor of the City of Frankston, the CEO of Chisholm TAFE, and members of Victoria Police, Frankston Business Network, Public Transport Victoria and the Victorian Government.
The Labor Government has committed $50 million to transform the Frankston Transit Interchange which is additional to the $13.8 million allocated in the 2014-15 Budget for the Frankston Station Precinct Improvement Project.
The upgrading of the Transit Interchange will include a state-of-the-art transport hub, a permanent police presence, a new retail and cafe strip and a multi-level car park.
The fast-tracked master plan is to be developed by the Taskforce with community consultation and meetings with local business owners to inform the master planning process. Substantial planning and community consultation for the station precinct has already been undertaken in recent years and led to the development of a Concept Plan to revitalise the station surroundings.
The taskforce is required to provide recommendations to the Minister for Public Transport by the end of August this year. Recommendations will include community feedback, technical requirements and spending priorities. The Victorian Government has also committed to contributing $46.9 million towards the Stage 1 redevelopment of Chisholm TAFE.
The Transit Interchange upgrade is expected to revitalise Frankston with spin-off benefits for local businesses, job generation, increased productivity as well as improving the safety of the area.