The Victorian State Government is moving forward with its election promise of conducting an independent review of the reformed residential zones, The ‘Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee‘ has been appointed to report on the application of the zones. Submissions in response to the Residential State of Play Reports closed in March 2016, with the Advisory Committee proposing a directions hearing in April.
Collie has lodged a submission for consideration by the Advisory Committee, with a response to the suggested changes that in our view will have the most impact on the residential zones (to view this submission please click here). Following the submission period, the Advisory Committee will hold public hearings between April and May which will inform a report to be lodged with the Minister for Planning.
It will be interesting to see how the submissions and discussions from the public hearings inform the report to be lodged to the Minister for Planning, in comparison with the Residential State of Play reports that generated submissions.
For further information on the regarding the Advisory Committee please click here: http://www.dtpli.vic.gov.au/planning/panels-and-committees/current-panels-and-committees/managing-residential-development