Collie assisted Stockland with its town planning approval for the subdivision of land known as ‘Subdivision Plan 20b’ (SP20b). SP20b will be the newest addition to the successful ‘Highlands’ development in Craigieburn.
The approved development (layout below), will comprise over 600 dwellings with a mix of conventional and medium densities, a local park and areas of linear open space, which will include the retention of native vegetation.
SP20B will have frontages to Mt Ridley Road, a major east-west arterial road and will provide one of the main entries to Highlands. Significant landscape works are proposed adjacent to the entry along Mt Ridley Road to provide a sense of arrival.
A number of lots in the southern part of the development addressing Grand Boulevard will overlook an active open space. The development will be well serviced with public open space, schools and a neighbourhood activity centre.
We understand that sales have already commenced and Collie looks forward to seeing the implementation of this new addition to Highlands.