Collie has assisted Places Victoria in obtaining a planning permit for the subdivision of a further stage (stage 44) of Jacksons Hill, just south of Sunbury. This stage forms one part of a multi-staged project in Sunbury, Victoria.
The stage 44 subdivision is consistent with the Jacksons Hill Local Structure Plan (JHLSP) 2001and has been identified for special design area housing. The subdivision recognises the topographical constraints of the site and contributes to the diversity of lot sizes within the Jacksons Hill development.

The Collie involvement on the project ranged from town planning advice on the subdivision of the site, preparation of a detailed development plan and design guidelines and ultimately, to preparing and managing the planning permit application process through to the issuing of a planning permit.
Collie has had a long involvement in Jacksons Hill and we look forward to seeing this area continue to evolve.
On a somewhat related issue recently, the Minister of Planning announced the appointment of the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) (ex-MPA; ex-GAA) to lead the development of a strategic master plan for Caloola, the former Sunbury Victoria University site in the centre of Jacksons Hill.
The former Caloola mental asylum became for a period a campus of Victoria University but has since closed. It has been identified as a site for strategic redevelopment.
The site includes a significant number of heritage buildings that are now largely unused.

Working closely with Victoria University, Heritage Victoria, the City of Hume and the local community, VPA will develop a feasible strategic master plan for the area.
We at Collie look forward to seeing how these remarkable and interesting heritage buildings will be used in the future and how the outcomes of the master plan will benefit the growing population of Sunbury.