_new planning controls
Macedon Ranges Statement of Planning Policy
Victoria’s most iconic natural areas will now have potential for greater recognition and development control, following the passage of the Distinctive Areas and Landscape Bill 2017.
One of the first such areas to be the subject of the new Statements of Planning Policy (SPP), will be the Macedon Ranges. It has been been submitted to the Victorian Government that the Macedon Ranges be declared a Distinctive Area and Landscape. The Macedon Ranges is noted for its landscapes of outstanding beauty and environmental; and economic and cultural heritage values of State and national significance.
The Macedon Ranges SPP is intended to add further protection to this area. The policy will further define the settlement boundaries for Woodend, Kyneton, Riddells Creek and Lancefield, but strangely is silent on the largest centre of Gisbourne (and of Romsey). At this time the SPP has not been approved.

Solar Panels Overshadowing
Changes are being made to the planning rules affecting homeowners with rooftop solar systems. As of the end of September 2018 the new rules will mean that the overshadowing of existing solar panels and hot water systems will need to be considered in planning application decisions.
While the new planning regulations will not give homeowners a veto over high-density developments next door, it will increase protection for solar panels.
There will also be guidelines for solar panels installed in heritage listed neighbourhoods, specifying appropriate colours, positioning and design.