_Protecting residential rooftop solar systems
Collie previously reported about the new regulations to prevent overshadowing of solar panels and hot water systems.
These regulations have now come into effect. The new planning requirements apply as follows:
All new buildings and works that require a planning permit in a residential zone or Commercial 1 Zone if an adjoining lot in a residential zone contains an existing rooftop solar energy facility on a dwelling.
‘Residential zone’ means the General Residential Zone, Mixed Use Zone, Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Residential Growth Zone and Township Zone. It does not include the Low Density Residential Zone.
These requirements only apply to a solar energy facility if it is connected to the rooftop of a dwelling, including the roof top of any outbuilding associated with the dwelling.
A new solar energy facility on land in a Heritage Overlay if the facility is visible from a street (other than a lane) or a public park.
The regulations are summarised and can be found here:
Planning Practice Note 88: Planning considerations for existing residential rooftop solar energy facilities, October 2018 (PDF, 396.8 KB) or (DOCX, 373.8 KB)
In addition, a home owner’s guide has been published and can be found here: