_Specialist Disability Accommodation Approved for Morwell
Collie recently assisted the client in obtaining town planning approval for the development of specialist disability accommodation in Morwell.
The SDA development once complete, will comprise accommodation for eleven residents plus carers with the accommodation to be funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The Collie role on the project included advising on the built form requirements in order to develop a proposal that would likely be supported by Latrobe City Council. Colle assisted in the preparation of the town planning report that included a detailed assessment of the proposal against clause 55 of the Latrobe Planning Scheme and lodging the application with Council.
Collie also assisted in responding to a request for further information from Council, which ultimately resulted in a planning permit being issued by Council.
We look forward to the completion of this project with future residents to benefit from its proximity to the Morwell major activity centre.