_Coles Craigieburn North
Collie recently assisted Coles in obtaining town planning approval for the development of a supermarket-based neighborhood activity centre (NAC) in Craigieburn North. The new NAC will be located opposite a large area (approximately 5 hectares) of active open space and within the Craigieburn R2 Precinct Structure Plan area. The NAC will comprise approximately 4,900 square metres of retail floor place plus future sites for potential medical / childcare uses and medium density housing. The centre will include a major Coles supermarket, ten specialty retail stores, a plaza with a northern orientation, car parking including electrical vehicles charging stations, bicycle parking and end of trip facilities for staff. It is expected that the NAC will service the growing number of residents moving into the area as development of land within the Craigieburn R2 PSP area continues to completion

The Collie role on the project included both town planning and landscape architecture services and involved reviewing concept design iterations for the layout of the NAC taking into consideration the approved Craigieburn R2 PSP and the preferred design expectation of Coles, to maximise the likelihood of a planning permit. Collie also prepared various iterations of a landscape masterplan, which will allow for the delivery of a landscape theme that will integrate well with the overall design of the centre.

Due to the significance of the project, extensive liaison was required working through the details of the plan and views of authorities. Collie is pleased to advise that following a request for further information, a planning permit was issued by Hume City Council.