_Melbourne Airport Spreads its Wings
The Melbourne Airport Masterplan 2018 has been approved by the federal government and as a result, the Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay (MAEO) mapping in the planning schemes has been amended (see Planning Scheme Amendment VC173) to protect the future four runway configuration of the Melbourne Airport as well as its curfew free status.
The MAEO applies to properties within Aircraft Nosie Exposure Forecast contours and generally seeks to restrict quite heavily the development of noise-sensitive uses as well as requiring noise attenuation requirements for permissible development and use. As an example, only one dwelling can typically be constructed on a conventional lot.
In summary, the approved changes to the MAEO mapping affect mainly new properties in the Municipalities of Hume and Brimbank with properties in Moreland also being affected whereas, somewhat surprisingly the extent of the MAEO has been reduced in Melton and Whittlesea. For details of the revised MAEO mapping as it relates to each specific property, see the MAEO mapping tool (MAEO Tool(maps.vic.gov.au)).
It should be noted that further changes to the planning scheme to safeguard the Melbourne Airport are expected and Collie was involved recently in a round table discussion that was chaired by the Melbourne Airport Standing Advisory Committee (MASAC). The MASAC is in the process of preparing a report with its recommended changes that will be submitted to the Minister for Planning for consideration.