Collie assisted the client in obtaining town planning approval for the development of townhouses.
Collie advised on the built form requirements in order to allow Sketch Building Design to devise a proposal that would likely be supported by Bayside City Council.
As part of our role, we prepared a town planning report including a detailed assessment of the proposal against clause 55 of the Bayside Planning Scheme and lodged the town planning application with the responsible authority. Collie also assisted in responding to objections received, which resulted in the planning permit being issued.
Some of the key features of the development include:
- the two townhouses being designed to appear as a single dwelling with one entry being visible from the street;
- the use of a vertical timber finish to the garages and garage doors so that the location of garages appear more subtle and a protruding first floor level to further reduce the appearance of garages and assist with activating the streetscape;
- the retention of a large tree of landscape significance within the rear yard of one of the dwellings;
- accessibility to a major activity centre, public transport, open space and schools.