Collie assisted Better Living Group in obtaining town planning approval for a 111-place childcare centre in Ivanhoe.
Given the slope of the site, one of the key challenges included massaging the built form to reduce perceptions of visual bulk when viewed from adjoining residential properties in order to increase the likelihood of Banyule City Council supporting the proposal. Collie also worked closely with the project team to ensure that the car park could be designed in a manner so that it did not impact on the retention of trees along the southern boundary of the site.
In addition to preparing the town planning report and collating the planning permit application package for submission to Council, Collie represented Better Living Group at an objector consultation meeting. Following the meeting, Collie and the project team managed to respond to concerns raised by Council and the objectors without altering significantly the development outcome.
We are pleased to advise that a planning permit has since been issued by Council and look forward to the completion of the project.