A mixed use development comprising two towers with ground floor commercial uses, residential apartments and a hotel above is under construction in Normanby Road, South Melbourne. Collie was engaged to assist Coles in occupying a ground floor tenancy (see image below) for the purposes of a ‘Coles Local’ supermarket.

Coles Locals are typically smaller more niche supermarkets with a focus on convenience based shopping and healthy food options.
Our role on the project involved seeking planning approval for the display of advertising signs, the sale of packaged liquor as well as for minor external works to the building to assist ensuring safe vehicle access to the supermarket loading dock.
A key challenge for the project involved managing the objectives of the Design and Development Overlay and its requirement for an active frontage to Normanby Road against the operational needs for the Coles Local while ensuring that the supermarket provides an appropriate level of activation to the street.
As part of our discussions with the City of Port Phillip (Council), Collie was able to negotiate successfully replacing some of the signs along Normanby Road with urban art to ensure that the supermarket shelving would remain concealed from the street while maintaining a good urban design outcome.
Collie is pleased to advise that a planning permit has since been issued by Council and looks forward to the imminent opening of the supermarket.