_Revised Plans for a Major Regional Centre
Under amendment C431 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme (the Scheme), the Victorian Minister for Planning applied the findings of the Central Geelong Framework Plan – A plan for the heart of Djilang 2022, which sets out the strategic vision for growth and development of the Geelong centre to 2050.
Changes to the Scheme under C341 included amending the land use and built form planning controls affecting Central Geelong in response to key objectives of the Revitalising Central Geelong Action Plan. The action plan released by the Victorian Government in July 2016, set out initiatives intended to support new jobs and growth in Central Geelong as well as aimed at rectifying identified negative issues that had occurred under the existing planning provisions and development controls.
Such issues have included the over development of sites impacting view lines, overshadowing of public spaces and the street network and a lack of consideration to the heritage and character of Central Geelong.
The C341 amendment includes stronger planning controls within the existing and newly inserted schedules to the Activity Centre Zone (ACZ), Design and Development Overlay (DDO) and Development Plan Overlay (DPO) to prevent any further planning approvals that negatively impact the amenity, safety and built environment of Central Geelong.
In addition to changes to the zones and overlays, amendment C341 also made changes to clause 72.01 making the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for approval and / or amendment of any development plan, as well as any related permit requirements triggered by the development plan.