_New Development Plan Approved in Gisborne
The Gisborne Area 1 Development Plan (GA1DP) at Ross Watt Road in Gisborne has recently been approved in response to a VCAT order. The site is covered by a Development Plan Overlay that requires a development plan to be submitted and approved before planning permits being approved and development occurring.
Collie assisted ID Land with preparing the GA1DP and submitting the initial application to Macedon Ranges Shire Council (MRSC) however the application was refused by Council. In response an appeal to VCAT was made and subsequent rounds of mediation, committee meetings and hearings were held with ID Land, MRSC and relevant referral authorities, before a decision to approve the GA1DP was made.
During the VCAT appeal process, Collie continued to provide town planning advice as required and updated the GA1DP report in response to VCAT interim orders.
The GA1DP allows for future development of the land including a network of roads, a range of residential lots (medium density to larger residential lots), a number of public open spaces and reserves including the Jacksons Creek Conservation Reserve, drainage reserves, a future local convenience centre and a childcare centre.
A planning permit application for the subdivision and development of part of the land was also lodged with MRSC concurrently with the GA1DP application and refused however, the VCAT appeal process was deferred pending the outcome of the GA1DP appeal. As the GA1DP has now been approved, negotiations on the planning permit application will proceed.
Collie is very pleased that the GA1DP has been approved and is looking forward to the project progressing.