During the preparation of the Craigieburn West Precinct Structure Plan by the Victorian Planning Authority, approximately 3 hectares of land was identified within the Stockland owned 640 Craigieburn Road land parcel for drainage purposes.
As a result of its significant land holdings within its residential masterplanned community ‘Highlands’ in Craigieburn, Stockland was able to identify efficiencies to be gained by repurposing a future medium density housing site (approximately 1.3 hectares) for the purpose of a wetland as part of the Aitken Creek drainage corridor. By repurposing the medium density housing site, this has enabled the net developable area of the 640 Craigieburn Road parcel to be increased by 3 hectares removing the drainage encumbrance from the land.
As part of our continuing town planning role on the project, Collie successfully assisted Stockland in obtaining approval from Hume City Council to amend an existing planning permit to change the designation of the medium density housing site to a reserve for the purpose of a wetland, which involved negotiations with Melbourne Water.
The relocation of drainage assets has ultimately allowed 640 Craigieburn Road to be earmarked for a Stockland Halcyon Lifestyle Community (pictured below) with the new wetland location to play an important role in servicing the new lifestyle community as well as the broader residential development within the Craigieburn West Precinct Structure Plan area.
Having assisted Stockland with the town planning permit application for the new lifestyle community, with the approval of the wetland being the missing piece of the puzzle, we look forward to the imminent approval of the lifestyle community and the construction of these significant projects within the ‘heart’ of the Highlands masterplanned community commencing.