Collie continues to provide town planning services for Stockland on its new Halcyon lifestyle community projects in Victoria and more recently assisted in obtaining town planning approval for its latest community in Highlands, Craigieburn.
The lifestyle community is located on the western edge of the award-winning Highlands masterplanned community with easy access to Craigieburn Road, the Craigieburn Central Shopping Centre as well as substantial facilities and services within Highlands that have been delivered over its 20-year lifespan.
As part of our role on the project, we worked with the project team to establish development parameters for the site acknowledging that changes to the road layout and local amenities as envisaged by the Craigieburn West Precinct Structure Plan were required in order to accommodate the lifestyle community while ensuring an appropriate level of integration with the broader community would be achieved.
Following the initial design phase, Collie prepared the planning permit application package and worked closely with Hume City Council during its assessment of the application including in tailoring draft planning permit conditions to suit the operational needs of the lifestyle community, being the first of its kind in Hume.

Indicative street view of Halycon Highlands
An interesting challenge on the project included designing the clubhouse facility precinct around the retention of significant large River Red Gums and ensuring view lines would be maintained to these trees from the public realm. Other challenges included ensuring the main entry boulevard for the lifestyle community was located an appropriate distance from a future roundabout and demonstrating to Council how surplus land surrounding the site may conceivably be developed.

We look forward to the completion of this new project and its contribution to the ‘evergreen’ Highlands masterplanned community.