_Consultation Draft of National Urban Policy
On 23 May 2024, the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Regional Development and Local Government, released the consultation draft May 2024 (open until 4 July 2024 with options of completing a survey or making a submission) of a National Urban Policy.
The draft Policy states that it outlines the goals and objectives of the Australian Government “to enable urban areas to be liveable, equitable, productive, sustainable and resilient”. It goes on to say immediately after that statement that it “will include a shared vision for sustainable growth in our cities and suburbs, developed in partnership with state and territory governments” based on principles that “have been developed to support governments to achieve this vision”.
The intent of the consultation draft is to seek feedback on how government, industry and community can cooperate to improve cities and suburbs.
The consultation draft:
- opens with a snapshot of the current state of the cities, using various ABS-type facts;
- provides a brief Australian Government goals / principles checklist but notes it is the subject of current work with state and territory governments;
- places the Policy in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 – sustainable cities and communities;
- refers to consultation to date with state and territory governments, an appointed urban policy forum (13 urban policy experts from academia, peak bodies and other urban planning professionals), First Nations stakeholders, a review of international experience in the area and concurrent work on a regional investment framework;
- sets out the roles and responsibilities of Australian, state, territory and local governments in the Policy area;
- includes a reference to the role of the private sector;
- details and discusses (including challenges and possible implementation actions) the goals and six key objectives (no one and no place left behind; all people belong and are welcome; our urban areas are safe; our urban areas are sustainable; our urban environments and communities promote health and wellbeing; our urban areas promote productivity) of the Australian Government;
- includes an appendix setting out the six shared principles (city planning and governance must be collaborative and adaptive; purposeful place making increases wellbeing and connection; urban development should actively improve social, environmental and economic outcomes; improving the evidence base will underpin urban innovation; fair and inclusive development builds equitable communities; fostering innovation and creativity hubs enhances diversity and broadens opportunities) suggested by the urban policy forum group of 13;
- finishes with a second appendix setting out in tabular form the national initiatives already underway in relation to the six objectives – many of which understandably have been in the system for some time but are relevant to the Policy.