A group from Collie recently attended a film called ‘Urbanized’, which was the final installment in a design trilogy shown at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI). With an estimated 75 per cent of the world’s population based in urban centres by 2050, the film challenges us to think differently about how our cities are designed and developed. ‘Urbanized’ documents how innovative ideas in cities around the world have shaped the attitudes of the everyday person and improved their quality of life. A few thoughts from some of our attendees:
“It was eye-opening to learn about a socially funded project in the Khayelitsha township of Cape Town that sought to reduce crime by improving lighting along main pedestrian routes and constructing safe houses within urban designed community plazas”. – James Million
“Many of the most successful civic projects discussed in the film were the ones that engaged with the local community. The film reinforced to me that providing opportunities for local input and a sense of community is just as important as a visually pleasing outcome.” – John Roney
“Old and disused places of historical significance within large cities can be transformed into wonderful public spaces for all residents to enjoy. The historic freight rail line in New York (the High Line), narrowly avoided demolition. Through strong community support, the High Line has now been preserved and restored to a usable public open space for residents and tourists.” – Tessa Bond
“What resonated most for me was the range of perspectives / interpretations of and interventions featured within the urban experiences” – Jenny Collie
“ON MICRO LEVEL: I don’t want to sound too anal but it brings home the differences between the developing and developed world when the Indian commentator said they work on an objective of one toilet seat per 50 people as the city-wide standard; that they are currently at 600 people per toilet seat but that is better than the 900 figure in the recent past
ON THE MACRO LEVEL: Innovation and some risk can create great urban renewal” – Mike Collie
The film is screening every evening as well as during the day on weekends and finishes on Sunday 3 February. It is well worth a look.