WarralilyCollie is pleased to have been appointed to prepare a new precinct structure plan (PSP) for an extension to the growth area in Armstrong Creek.

Full page fax printThe planning scheme amendment will seek to amend the Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Plan by including an addition to the growth area and incorporating a new PSP.  The site adjoins the Armstrong Creek East Precinct and is a logical addition to this fast growing urban growth area.

document1Collie is working with the project team and Council to resolve a number of matters before the PSP is finalised and placed on exhibition.  We are hopeful that the amendment will be publicly exhibited in June / July this year.

ACSP photoCollie is very familiar with the Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Area having had a key role in the preparation of the Armstrong Creek East PSP and also with the preparation of planning permit applications for subdivisions in the growth area.

LayoutThe Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Area (ACUGA) is the primary growth area in the G21 region which includes the Municipalities of Greater Geelong, Golden Plains, Surf Coast and Colac Otway.  The ACUGA is expected to accommodate approximately 22,000 dwellings at completion.