Collie was engaged by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) to provide a statutory town planning analysis of alternative sites for Agriculture Victoria (AgVic) ‘non-office’ operations in Bendigo.
The Collie role included:
- understanding the non-office components of AgVic uses and to categorise them in accordance with the land use terms of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme such as its industrial, veterinary centre and research and development;
- reviewing the land use planning controls that apply to the AgVic existing and alternative sites in order to determine the suitability of each for long-term use;
- undertaking site inspections to understand further operation requirements site constraints;
- advising on the advantages of co-locating the non-office operations of AgVic and other departments on the alternative site;
- advising on highest and best use development alternatives for the existing site;
- recommending future rezoning of land so that the planning controls align better with the operations of AgVic and other department occupiers.