_Donald Street
Collie assisted the client in obtaining town planning approval for the development of townhouses.
Collie advised on the built form requirements in order to allow Splinter Society Architects to devise a proposal that could be supported by Moreland City Council.
After attending a pre-application meeting, Collie prepared the town planning report including a detailed assessment of the proposal against clause 55 of the Moreland Planning Scheme and lodged the town planning application with the responsible authority. Collie also assisted in responding to a request for further information, which resulted in the planning permit being issued.
Some of the key features of the development include:
- an interesting design characterised by vertical timber cladding in a natural grey finish and the variation in the slope of the roof form;
- three two-storey townhouses with two or three bedrooms and garage car parking;
- frontages to both Donald Street and Lanark Street;
- accessibility to a neighbourhood centre, public transport, open space and schools.