Collie assisted the client in obtaining town planning approval for the subdivision of land in Palmers Road, Truganina.
The approved subdivision (known as the Highbrook Precinct) will comprise 176 dwellings with a mix of conventional and medium densities and a waterway drainage reserve which will also be used as an area of linear open space, with many of the lots fronting this reserve. The Highbrook Precinct will have a frontage to Palmers Road, a main north-south arterial road. The subdivision will also be well serviced with areas of public open spaces, schools and a neighbourhood activity centre all to be located nearby.
Collie provided town planning, urban design and landscape architecture services, Collie designed the subdivision and then completed tasks which included advising the client on the application requirements, briefing expert consultants, preparing a town planning report and ultimately collating all the information and lodging the application to Wyndham City Council. Collie was also involved in a range of post lodgement tasks which included direct liaison with Council, coordinating and responding to a Council request for further information, all of which led to the issue of the planning permit for subdivision.
Collie looks forward to the commencement of development of the Highbrook Precinct and its ultimate completion.