_165 Maroondah Highway
Collie was instructed to prepare expert evidence for a VCAT on a proposed mixed use residential and commercial building that would include vegetation removal and dispensation of car parking at 165 Maroondah Highway, Healesville.
The Healesville Structure Plan (HSP) identified the following key points of relevance to the site and the proposal:
- “Ensure new development complements the main street retail shopping strip.
- Maintain the vibrancy of the town centre.
- There are a number of strategic redevelopment opportunities and underutilised sites. Development of these sites should complement the existing commercial centre of Healesville”.
The proposal was designed to add a different element into a changing activity centre that already exhibits a mixed character. It was intended to provide a dwelling type scarce in the activity centre while consolidating development in an ideal location for such consolidation and development.