Collie was engaged by the client to prepare a range of urban design concepts to guide the development of several medium density superlots at the Mt Atkinson development in Truganina. In preparing the urban design concepts, Collie liaised closely with the client and reviewed the key requirements of the Melton Planning Scheme and the Mt Atkinson and Tarneit Plains Precinct Structure Plan to determine the best design options for the superlots.
Key features of the urban design concepts included:
- a total yield of over 900 lots;
- medium density lots which will largely accommodate two storey terrace style dwellings;
- a combination of front and rear-loaded lots;
- a range of lot sizes and orientations to accommodate a variety of housing products.
The medium density superlots are well located within the Mt Atkinson development and are in proximity to a range of key future amenities such as schools, open space, a large town centre, mixed use areas and a proposed train station.