Collie assisted ID_Land with obtaining a planning permit for the subdivision of approximately 40 hectares of land in the Horseshoe Bend Precinct of the Armstrong Creek Urban Growth Area (ACUGA). The ACUGA is located south of the Geelong town centre and covers an area of 2,500 hectares, making it the largest growth area outside of metropolitan Melbourne.

The approved subdivision consists of approximately 540 lots including both conventional and medium density housing. A large public open space reserve that also functions partly as a drainage corridor traverses the site from east to west and will be a key feature of the development. Shared paths through the site will connect to the broader public open space network and planned activity centres in the immediate and larger growth area.

Collie worked with the client and project team to prepare the planning permit application for subdivision. Collie was involved in extensive liaison with Council and the project team throughout the assessment of the application. Numerous meetings were held with Council officers from a range of departments to resolve issues relating to traffic, public open space, native vegetation and drainage.

The Watermark development will assist in meeting the expected 22,000 dwellings that are to be constructed in the ACUGA.