Coventry Street in Southbank was closed recently for four days while a massive (450 tons capacity, we are told) mobile crane was installed to remove a construction crane from OVER the top of a new 23-story building. It was the...
Coventry Street in Southbank was closed recently for four days while a massive (450 tons capacity, we are told) mobile crane was installed to remove a construction crane from OVER the top of a new 23-story building. It was the...
The Collie office will be closing for the holidays on Friday 21 December 2012 (but don’t call after midday because we will be out celebrating the end of the year) and will reopen on Monday 7 January 2013.
Regular readers of the Collie latest news will know that Collie has been closely involved in the rezoning, master planning and redevelopment of 'Coburg Hill' (the former Kodak Australasia site) which is located in Coburg North approximately nine kilometres north...
Collie is pleased to announce the recent approval of the Tower Hill Development Plan by Swan Hill Rural City Council. Tower Hill is located about 1.7 kilometres from the Swan Hill town centre and the master plan was prepared by...
Collie recently attended a VPELA event held at Places Victoria that discussed the benefits of urban renewal and why it is important for all Victorians. Urban renewal has obviously been a hot topic in recent times with the continued negative...
An article in a recent Sunday Age raised the issue of development overshadowing solar panels on neighbouring properties. While the State Planning Policy Framework in all planning schemes seeks to encourage land use and development that is energy efficient and...
Recently came across this new form of solar housing with various high technology features. The structure is of insulated steel and plastic, is modeled on utopian architectural styles and is suspended above the ground. Inhabitants need to be able to...
Life is tough for this pampered pet - watching the world go by in Brugge.
Amendments to planning schemes (such as rezonings) often involve long, drawn out processes with few statutory time frames. One could be forgiven for thinking that key steps in the process appear to be at the whim of the relevant planning...
The Victorian Government is partnering with Hanover Welfare Services and the Brotherhood of St Laurence to build a 'youth foyer' on Kangan Institute's Broadmeadows campus. The Victorian Government made an election commitment to invest $30.1 million over three years to...