Interesting sculpture in Sydney in Darling Harbour marking the spot where once stood the secondary arrival building for migrants to New South Wales – being a cloudy day perhaps the new arrivals did not need the umbrellas open!
Interesting sculpture in Sydney in Darling Harbour marking the spot where once stood the secondary arrival building for migrants to New South Wales – being a cloudy day perhaps the new arrivals did not need the umbrellas open!
Collie attended a recent UDIA function on public transport. Neil Smith, a Director of Transit Systems, gave an interesting presentation reflecting on his vast experience as an operator of various public transport systems throughout Australia. Congestion was a recurring theme...
Some interesting facts from the latest Victorian Population Bulletin, regarding National, State and Territory population growth. In the year ended 30 June 2011, the population of Australia reached 22,618,294. This is a growth of 1.4 per cent or 320,779 since...
On Wednesday last week the UDIA held an Expo and Developments Showcase – Obstacles and Innovation to showcase a number of developments including Triptych and Highlands. Triptych Triptych is a high rise residential development in Southbank that won two UDIA...
Following on from a recent announcement, Planning Minister Matthew Guy on Thursday released details of proposed reforms to Victoria’s planning zones. Submissions on the proposed zones will be accepted until 21 September and can be made here. Below is a...
Collie was part of the project team (project managers Thinc Projects, Insite Architects and the owner St Andrews Court Pty Ltd), to facilitate redevelopment of the Hilltop Aged Care Facility on the corner of Hotham and Montague Streets, Preston. The...
Collie provided town planning services to Bensons Property Group to facilitate the demolition of a former knitwear factory and its re-development for a seven storeys mixed-use commercial and residential building, at 29-31 Frith Street, Brunswick. The proposal will provide 100...
Since 2004 Collie has been providing town planning services to the Goodman Group in relation to the development of an approximate 58 hectares of land adjacent to the Hume Highway and Craigieburn By-pass in Craigieburn. When Collie were first approached,...
The athletes village in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics consists of 11 tower blocks, 17,320 beds and providing each athlete with 16 square metres of floor space. After the Olympics, the village will provide 2,818 new homes for East...
Planning Minister Matthew Guy yesterday announced significant reforms to Victoria’s planning zones. The changes, which include the deletion of nine existing zones and the addition of five new zones (see table below), are intended to provide greater certainty for industry,...